2024 Bookings
Now is the perfect time to start planning for next season. Our usual itinerary includes exploring the Sound of Mull, venturing up the west coast to St Kilda, visiting the Outliers in the north, and ending the season in Orkney and Scapa Flow.
Check out our bookings page for dates and available spaces.
Behind You!£50.00
Triple Expansion Engine - Navy£24.95
Marine Boiler - Navy£24.95
Ophiothrix Fragilis£24.95
The Clasina
With a well-equipped dive deck, diver’s lift and onboard compressor, the Clasina has everything you need for an unforgettable time above and below the surface.
Built for comfort whatever the weather, the Clasina’s main accommodation above deck comprises of the wheelhouse and a combined galley/saloon with seating for all the group around a central table.
Below decks are the cabins – six in total, two bunks each, with a shower and WC at the end of the corridor. In short, the Clasina is your dive boat home-from-home.

Get in Touch
Contact Details
Address: Halton Charters Ltd., 17 Graham Place, Stromness, Orkney KW16 3BY
Telephone: 07900231955
(please don’t ring: I’ll be driving the boat!)
VHF: Ch16, Vessel Name: Clasina,
Call Sign: GCCX, MMSI: 235006150