The Halton started her diving career in the winter of 2000 and went on to travel the world. After 20 years, a new wind blows and the old girl will be retired to a more gentle life nibbling grass in a kinder field.
She was originally built in Denmark in 1973 in the distinctive Danish style. In the winter of 2002/3 she underwent a major conversion, moving the wheelhouse forward so as to allow space for a galley/saloon above deck whilst six twin berth cabins were fitted out below deck.
With each season came a raft of improvement which led, in turn, to another round of destinations.
Over the years the Halton has been as far south as Cairnryan, as west as Faroe, as far North as Trondheim and passed through Malin Head, the Hebrides, Moray Firth, Norway, Shetland and beyond.
However, over the years she reached the limit of her capabilities and charters will be moved across to the new boat, Clasina. This is a bitter sweet moment, it feels like saying goodbye to a close friend but also a time of new horizons. The oak will always have all the flavours of the last 20 years imbued in the wood: Halton days will live forever.